Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jika diberikan ku satu peluang


It reminds me of someone..
i felt like.. am i feeling the same way as this song trying to say.. regrets and hopes..
regret that i let him go.. hopes that i could make things right..

Jika diberikanku satu peluang
Apa yang aku impikan
Pulihkan segala kesilapan---->> this is how i feel :(
Jika diberikanku satu peluang
Kembali ke masa silam
Kan ku pilih ke tarikh kita dulu
Bagai dijanjikan
Pertemuan singkat waktu itu---->>first time met at tesco?? sweet memoirs
Bagai dituliskan
Kesetiaanmu---->> u have always been honest
Pernah dulu ku sebutkannya --->> our dreams to be married
Pernah dulu ku ingkarinya --->> me who shattered the dream
Bukan bermaksud
Lukakan hatimu
Ku lakukannya untuk kita
Ku lakukannya demi cinta --->> cant let u be fooled by me no more
Bukan bermaksud
Maafkan diriku
Jika diberikanku satu peluang
Apa yang aku inginkan
Diriku dirimu dulu --->> when my love is yours
Jika diberikanku satu peluang
Tembusi masa depanku
Kan kusuluh tiga tahun dari situ--->> when now u and she
Saatnya terhenti
Seketika kau terima lafaznya --->> i know u guys more than frens
Saat yang ku nanti dikau bahagia--->> but im not asking u to leave her for me.. happy ive let u go.. so u happy now.. with her..:)

life is not a joke


Dalam hidup korunk.. korunk pernah perasan x.. ayat ni tym kecik2 dulu,,
"haa..panjatla.. panjat.. panjat tinggi2.. nanti jatuh xtawlaa.."
bg ak.. ayt ni cm sgt2 familiar lah.. eh bukn tuk ak..
ak baik kecik2 dulu xmeragas (xbyk songeh) tp tu dpn mama baba la.. belakang  diorg..
km buas..wahahah.. tp cm biasa.. pandai wat.. pandai kaver.. life is an adventure la katakn..hoho.. 
so ayt ats ni ak sll dgr sbb ada makcik2 selalu ckp tym ank2 diorg mula menunjukkn aksi2 ekstreme.. tmbah2 ag bila ada majlis2 keramaian.. di mana makcik2 mula kuar jalan petang2 lepak bawah pokok mempelam kat pangkin depan umah.. n talk "biznes".. hoho but the best part is.. bila kuar je ayt cmni.. kebanyakan kalinya.. kompem budak2 nakal tdik insaf.. XJADIK BUAT...hoho.. sedangkan kalu kita ckp "jangan panjat..jangan panjat.. nanti jatuh susah.." for sure.. sume pakat nak panjatlaa..hoho
why is that so?? well.. it is simple.. it is reverse physchology.. its like bila kita disuruh jangan wat sumtin.. the curiosity level elevates.. tu yang makin menjadi2.. instead kalau kena suruh buat.. 
two reasons i think.. 1. we are scared.. why mom being nice.. let me do crazy stuff.. not love me no more..LOL
2. the excitement is taken out.. huhu.. tapi.. tu masa kecik2 la.. when we are learning NOT TO DO DANGEROUS STUFF that gives MOM TROUBLE.. not good.. not good..
tp.. now.. i am big enough.. enough for mom to have me decides on couple of things about my life.. dan sudah besar untuk melakukan life choice mistakes.. i mean.. boleh dikatakan banyak jugak la life choice ive made.. was the stupidest choice of all.. kelakar pun ada.. sakit pun ada... dalam erti kata lain..
not the smartest thing to do yet i did it.. and learnt from it..
how do we learn from it?? well.. ive been talking about this with my best friend for quite some time now..

kami dua.. macam teenagers yang lain.. terpedaya dengan cinta.. lol.. tp xla kronik mana pun..
its just some time.. kita tersuka sumone.. and kadang2.. time suka.. semuanya OK.. i mean..
guys will always promise this and that.. give 1001++ hopes.. tapi xsemuanya diorg mampu untuk keep pun.. tp tu reality of a mankind.. we say things that we dun really know of.. which is normal and understandable..
but in this life.. there are guys that are sooooooo freee.. that they play all the time.. they play with toys.. so many toys that when they are out of toys.. they chosed to play with hearts instead.. women hearts.. me and anim.. we met these type of guys before.. so we learnt from them,, cause know what.. these type of guys have a relative characteristics.. they have their own traits that we can distinguish them.. 
like.. when you see the person u r starting to like now is almost like ur ex.. it feels.. so wrong..
for hanim.. a guy that asks her to be "more polite" and for me... a guy who makes me cry for his attention.. SO NOT COOL!!! 
its like.. when you already has an example.. you should learn from it.. mistakes that are made and cause ur heart to cry is the most valuable lessons in life.. that is why deer never fall for the same trap..
they analysed.. and they learned.. and so should we.. but sumtime.. we just didnt realized.. 
cause all traps are traps.. but the angle where it will capture us are different from time to time.. 
as for the tittle above.. life is not a joke, is that we should be easy on our life.. but we should never take it lightly.. every single steps we take is count.. so think before you do..
think of the hearts.. you'll hurt and people u'll upset.. cause if ur life is not a joke so as others...

**hoping for a fresh start**