Thursday, February 28, 2013

What u see.. In a man..


Well, normally we lists up things we want in life... well at least i do..
we have a very long list of expectations.. things we hope we encounter and good enough to conquer it.. 
I supposed its the same thing when its about love,, i made lists of what i wanna find in him,, things i wish that would captivate me to him,, not necessarily that.. i mean i see things from the perspective of what makes me love him.. but there few other instances of what people take accounts in making their lists... 

...EXAMPLE 1...
A good guy friend of mine always said something like this to me.. 
his bride to be should be of  a very POOR family.. a VILLAGE girl,,
an ONLY CHILD that is even better if she is an ORPHAN.. 
i asked him why you wanna all those characteristics? 
he said so that if she is poor she wouldn't ask much.. while a village girl is even for me an undoubtedly a very suitable candidate of a bride to be since they are raised up trained to do housework + high tendency of being polite..most village girls cook very tasty meal too.. *this is mostly applied to the girls ONLY..hoho just kidding.. there are 1% chances boys would be off the same attitude..LOL* an only child so that she would not have any family problem inheretance or what not.. an orphan so that they wont have to choose which house to go back to during holidays.. since he practically dont have in laws.. 

...EXAMPLE 2...
A senior of mine said not once but many of times actually.. 
the first thing they see in man is their IMAN.. 
other than that.. we dont look at their face.. their wealth are what we after..ERKK,,, lol
since this is my senior during high school.. i bet they dont really meant this anymore..

Anyways,, as for me? what do i look in men.. other than IMAN,, 
im a shoujo fan girl.. most of my ideal guy are practically came from the 2D characters of the comic i read..LOL so much for an otaku.. i always dreamt of guy that knows how to tease but still have limits on their frankness.. a guy who will to protect.. a good fighter is a bonus,, but prefer those who keep calms,, the one who says romantic things.. just enough to flatter me once in a while.. i want someone who treasure me enough to the extent of care to show some jealousy,, which i found it is cute for guys to be jealous.. however typically,, there are two types of guys i found cool in manga.. the one who take care from a far,, rarely show he cares even if its the opposite way.. this is the type that kinda gets you to think he never cares,, a painful one yet never fail to show up when in need,,, second one is the type who never let a chance slips at making a girl flatter leading her felt happily shy of being love.. 

but what are MY LIST???
1) love at first sight??
2) romantic
3) caring
4) pamper me
5) charming prince

hurm,, if i add more to that list,, even prince william couldnt add up to that.. *not that i think prince william is my taste..its just his name seems pretty..LOL*
but not everything we listed,, planned and hoped are to be true..
you see i actually watch a movie that have a particular impact on having such "LIST"
In a story starred by Hillary duff.. she did a lists of the men she will and should fall in love.. yet in the end the guy she finally fall for are not even near of letting her give him a check on the list.. but what we never expect is whats best for us.. just like her.. she may did not have a check,, but she had all the list crossed out.. thus making her out of list and see him as the one who clears out her list..

So what if i do have a list.. n what if he didnt score "checks" on my list.. in the end,, everything will be crossed out,, and i will cherish what i have,, for better and for worse..